Yep lost mymind
Yep lost mymind

yep lost mymind yep lost mymind

The Scout has no trouble with scraping the pegs as they are on a pivot fitting and just fold up. So any advise? I mean, I asked my dad but he just told me to (and I quote verbatim here) "Harden up, you got a big boys bike now, so learn to ride like a big boy!". How much should I worry about scraping the pegs? Other than being loud as hell and scaring the crap out of me, nothing adverse has happened each time (apart from what I get myself into with my own inputs) and I am sure they are put there for just that reason. I find myself now obsessing about avoiding it, taking corners far wider and far slower than I am comfortable with. The next few times it happened were at low speeds making turns at intersections and cornering tight hairpins on mountain roads. The first time it happened I was doing a u-turn on a round about, and I got such a fright I steered upright and nearly put the bike into a traffic island. These past few weeks on my new Scout have seen me get more and more freaked out about scraping the pegs when I corner. I'm totally new to riding anything other than dualsport bikes. National & International Indian Motorcycle Rides & Eventsīest Roads for Motorcycles in New Zealand New Zealand Indian Motorcycle Rides & Events Indian Scout Performance & Suspension ModificationsĪustralian Indian Motorcycle Rides & Events PowerPlus Performance & Suspension Modifications Thunder Stroke Motorcycle Problems & Issues Thunder Stroke Performance & Suspension Modifications Indian Chief, Chief Bobber, Dark Horse, Springfield, Super & Vintage Thunder Stroke 111ci & 116ci Motorcycles.Indian Motorcycle Garage Technical Discussions

Yep lost mymind